Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Joshua 1:9 This is a warning, this post will be a little rant about something I watched on youtube this morning. I do not know the whole story (and this is not meant to be political) but I want to voice my opinion about something I learn from this video I watched this video this morning and hopefully I will give you a valid link so you can watch it for yourself. I was not there and do not know any of the people involved personally, but this is something that weighed heavily on my heart. I think that far too often we keep our mouths shut and feet still in life when we see things we do not agree with and do not voice our opinions or do nothing about things we see going on around us that are either wrong or we perceive them as wrong. Here is the video: http://www.glennbeck.com/2013/09/23/nudge-to-shove-maryland-dad

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I've been reading a book called Waking the Dead by John Eldredge. The beginning of the book is referring to a quote from St. Irenaeus, "The glory of God is man fully alive." One of the things that hit me hard in this book is when it speaks of the fact that we as Christians, at least me as someone who likes theology, love to talk about original sin and the fall of man, but we often neglect original glory. Original glory was the way we were first created. God didn't intend for us to sin even though He ultimately gave us a choice in the matter. We were created for so much more but we sinned and Jesus came to save us from this sin. We are still at war with this sinful nature even after we give our lives over to Christ, but Jesus death on the cross and the coming of the Holy Spirit was a design by God to restore us. God wants that relationship He had with us before we brought all this junk into the world and our lives. We still have the consequence of sin dwelling among us, but unlimited power has been made available to us.

I often feel really bad because I have a pretty decent idea about what Jesus did for us and I have caught a small glimpse of the power made available to us by the direct line we have with God and the power of the Holy Spirit. I sin and I make some silly promise to God about never doing that again like I have the power within me to defeat sin. I watched a video from Passion 10 with the college and career group the other night and Louie Giglio spoke of all these times we make promises when we have sinned and tell God we will never do it again and then not long after that we end up doing the same thing again and this process continues. We are not capable of defeating sin and living up to the intention God has for us with the original glory we were created to live in and live out so we cannot make all these empty promises to God and expect to follow through. We have to surrender to God and let God work through us. I am tired of making empty promises and trying this on my own because the same thing keeps happening over and over again. I fail and feel awful so I make a promise and break it and feel even worse. Did you know the definition of insanity according to Albert Einstein is trying the same thing over and over again and expecting different results?