Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Joshua 1:9 This is a warning, this post will be a little rant about something I watched on youtube this morning. I do not know the whole story (and this is not meant to be political) but I want to voice my opinion about something I learn from this video I watched this video this morning and hopefully I will give you a valid link so you can watch it for yourself. I was not there and do not know any of the people involved personally, but this is something that weighed heavily on my heart. I think that far too often we keep our mouths shut and feet still in life when we see things we do not agree with and do not voice our opinions or do nothing about things we see going on around us that are either wrong or we perceive them as wrong. Here is the video: http://www.glennbeck.com/2013/09/23/nudge-to-shove-maryland-dad